* * *DRAFT* * * - Proposed Plans for updates to Sherman Town Park and Boat Docks
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Tax Payment Options

Mail It In: 

Tax payments may be mailed to PO Box 39, Sherman, CT 06784. United States Postal Service postmarks are accepted, they must be postmarked on or before the last day to pay without penalties (aka Delinquent After Date). 

If you would like a receipt, please send in the entire bill with your payment along with a self-addressed stamped return envelope.

Checks, Money Orders and Certified / Bank Checks are accepted.

In Person: 

You may bring your payment to the Tax Collector’s Office located in the Mallory Town Hall at 9 Route 39 N, Sherman, CT 06784 during regular business hours. Please be prepared to wait.

Cash, Checks, Money Orders and Certified / Bank Checks are accepted.


The Town of Sherman Tax Collector’s Office offers online access to view and pay your tax bill either by electronic check, or with the use of a debit/credit card. Fees apply.

Non- Sufficient Funds / Transaction Failures: Please note that there is a $20.00 service charge for all returned checks; ach and credit/debit card failures that occur after they have been processed.

Please note that any Failure that is not cleared up in a timely manner will be reported to the proper authorities for criminal investigation: 

Class D Felony for issuing a bad check in the amount of more than $2,000.00 
Class A Misdemeanor for issuing a bad check in the amount of more than $1,000.00 but not more than $2,000.00 
Class B Misdemeanor for issuing a bad check in the amount of more than $500.00 but not more than $1,000.00 
Class C Misdemeanor for issuing a bad check in the amount $500.00 or less